February 9, 2016
Announcement of CES Letter Foundation 501(c)(3) Nonprofit

The board of directors are pleased to publicly announce the creation of the CES Letter Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
CES Letter Foundation was formally approved and recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on June 1, 2015.
All donations made to the nonprofit on and after June 1, 2015 is tax deductible (US only).
CES Letter Foundation was created for several key strategic purposes:
- Legal protection
- Strengthening of non-commercial FAIR USE position
- Entity that owns and contains all related non-Creative Commons work
- Ensure the survivability and continuation of the CES Letter Project without Jeremy Runnells
- Provide the resources and framework in empowering and liberating doubting Latter-day Saints
- Provide real human access and contact for Mormon doubters or questioners seeking answers to their doubts
- Provide a platform for more good in the world, especially within both LDS and Former LDS Communities
There's much work to be done. Your tax deductible donation is both needed and appreciated. You can donate below.