Below you can find the sources, links, and notes for the paperback/hardback CES Letter. Start by the chapter/section of the CES Letter and then look for the footnote number that you see next to the text in the book.
Note: All links open in a new separate tab for convenience purposes.
The colored dots at the end of each source denotes LDS friendly •, Neutral •, and Critical •.
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20A. 14,000-year old Village in Canada. ( •
Emma wasn't sealed to Joseph until after 20+ women/girls:
Joseph and Emma were sealed for eternity on May 28, 1843. ( •
List of Joseph Smith's wives and sealing dates. ( •
6A. The Candle of the Lord, Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, January 1983. ( •
Fun Church Membership Math:
According to the LDS Church's 2016 Statistical Report, there are a total of 15,882,417 members. There are a total of 30,304 branches.
Get your calculator out for a fun math exercise.
15,882,417 members divided by 30,304 wards/branches = 524 members for each ward or branch. We all know that the real number of active Church attending members for every ward and branch is not 524 members. Even in the heart of Utah, you'd be hard pressed to find a ward that has more than 300 active church attending members. Being extremely generous, let's say that the average active ward and branch has 150 active Church attending members:
30,304 wards/branches x 150 average active members = 4,545,600 members.
This is a difference of 11,336,817 members! Approximately 71% of the LDS Church's claimed 15.8 million members are inactives and/or unbelievers.
So, .2% of the world's population are LDS (7 Billion divided 15.8 million). Out of that .2% of LDS members, only 29% of Mormons are active (4.5 million) out of a claimed total of 15.8 million members.
Born and raised in Southern California, Jeremy is a seventh generation Mormon of Pioneer heritage who reached every Mormon youth milestone. An Eagle Scout, Returned Missionary, BYU alumnus, Jeremy was married in the San Diego Temple with expectations and plans of living Mormonism for the rest of his life.
In February 2012, Jeremy experienced an awakening to the LDS Church's truth crisis, which subsequently led to a faith transition that summer. In the spring of 2013, Jeremy was approached and asked by a CES Director to share his questions and concerns about the LDS Church's origins, history, and current practices. In response, Jeremy wrote what later became publicly known as the CES Letter (originally titled Letter to a CES Director).
The CES Director responded that he read the "very well written" letter and that he would provide Jeremy with a response. No response ever came.
“I believe that members and investigators deserve to have all of the facts and information on the be able to make a fully-informed and balanced decision as to whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, time, talents, income and lives to Mormonism. Anything less is an obstruction to the free agency of the individual.”
- Jeremy Runnells
It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to provide quality information in a quality way. It also takes a lot of resources to help those who have questions and who are trying to liberate themselves and their loved ones, while keeping their dignities intact. We want to be in the position to help, and you can help make that possible.
Your generous donations are tax deductible and will go a long way in helping us to continue to help the honest-in-heart seekers.
CES Letter Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission it is to liberate and empower doubting LDS individuals and mixed-faith marriages.