Below you can find the sources, links, and notes for the paperback/hardback CES Letter. Start by the chapter/section of the CES Letter and then look for the footnote number that you see next to the text in the book.

Note: All links open in a new separate tab for convenience purposes.

The colored dots at the end of each source denotes LDS friendly , Neutral , and Critical .

Please let us know at cesletter@gmail.com if there are any dead or broken links so that we can immediately fix and update.


Book of Mormon

Book of Mormon Translation

First Vision

Book of Abraham

Polygamy | Polyandry


Kinderhook Plates & Translator Claims

Testimony & Spiritual Witness



Temples & Freemasonry


Other Concerns & Questions




Book of Mormon

Book of Mormon Translation

First Vision

Book of Abraham

Polygamy | Polyandry


Kinderhook Plates & Translator Claims

Testimony & Spiritual Witness



Temples & Freemasonry


Other Concerns & Questions



Born and raised in Southern California, Jeremy is a seventh generation Mormon of Pioneer heritage who reached every Mormon youth milestone. An Eagle Scout, Returned Missionary, BYU alumnus, Jeremy was married in the San Diego Temple with expectations and plans of living Mormonism for the rest of his life.

In February 2012, Jeremy experienced an awakening to the LDS Church's truth crisis, which subsequently led to a faith transition that summer. In the spring of 2013, Jeremy was approached and asked by a CES Director to share his questions and concerns about the LDS Church's origins, history, and current practices. In response, Jeremy wrote what later became publicly known as the CES Letter (originally titled Letter to a CES Director).

The CES Director responded that he read the "very well written" letter and that he would provide Jeremy with a response. No response ever came.

“I believe that members and investigators deserve to have all of the facts and information on the table...to be able to make a fully-informed and balanced decision as to whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, time, talents, income and lives to Mormonism. Anything less is an obstruction to the free agency of the individual.”

- Jeremy Runnells

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