This is a page that I wish existed years ago during my own discovery of the LDS Church's truth crisis. Side note: I personally don't like to use "faith crisis" because it implies that the problem is with the individual and not with the institution - which is exactly the case with the LDS Church. However, I also understand the utility of the two words in effectively conveying a complex concept.
You will find links to content, websites, books, podcasts, YouTube channels, therapists/coaches and groups that will make your journey and research so much easier. Look at these resources as "soft landings" that will help you get through and out of the Church's truth crisis intact. Take advantage of them as they're designed by those before you who paved the way for those who followed.
is the best year ever to have a discovery of the LDS Church's truth crisis. I don't say this to be flippant but rather to convey the point that you now have the gift of so many truly amazing and effective resources to navigate this journey because of the hard work and determination of so many amazing people who felt there had to be a better way and they went out there and created it.
John Dehlin with Mormon Stories and Mormon Faith Crisis said this:
A Mormon faith crisis can actually be one of the greatest gifts of your lifetime.
I agree 100%.
Embrace this gift and allow it to unfold and you will find a life of truth, authenticity, exploration, adventure and freedom.
The freedom to think for yourself and to be who you truly are is - as Joseph Campbell wrote - the privilege of a lifetime.
Truth Claims / History
Relationships / Family
Post Mormon Coaching created an excellent list of podcasts, short videos, articles, books, groups and other resources focusing on the topic of LDS mixed-faith marriages:
Resources for LDS Mixed-Faith Marriages
Deprogramming / Wisdom
Navigating a Religious Transition // THRIVE Retreat 2019
John Dehlin and Mormon Faith Crisis have very generously offered - for free - a fully recorded weekend Faith Crisis Retreat from start to finish (2.5 days of content!), which can be viewed entirely here:
The Gift of a Mormon Faith Crisis // John Dehlin
The Examined Life: Restoring Your Own Power and Liberty // Jeremy Runnells
Mormonism and Me // Poem by Tanner Gilliland
What is your Polygamy? // Lance Allred
The Power of Vulnerability // Brené Brown
Anatomy of Trust // Brené Brown
How to “Brave the Wilderness” & Find True Belonging // Brené Brown
Listening to Shame // Brené Brown
On Being Wrong // Kathryn Schulz
Why you think you're right...even if you're wrong // Julia Galef
Follow No One, Trust Yourself // Nietzsche
"What if you're wrong?" // Richard Dawkins
Scientific Method - It Works // Richard Dawkins
Why I left an evangelical cult // Dawn Smith
What cults tell us about ourselves // Amber Scorah Scorah
50 Problems with the Mormon Church
50 More Problems With The Mormon Church
Midnight // Excommunication album by Tyler Glenn
Awake My Soul Cover // Zelph on the Shelf
I Am Already Enough // Fearless Soul
Rabbit Hole // Mindy Gledhill
Just Breathe // Pearl Jam
Imagine // Boyce Avenue
Everybody Hurts // R.E.M.
Be Still // The Killers live
Stand By Me // Skylar Grey
Freedom // Angela Soffe
Wildflowers // Tom Petty
Eternal Flame // Audiomachine
I Believe // Book of Mormon Musical
Tyler Glenn TED Talk
Nobody Knows // The Lumineers
The Matrix
The Truman Show
The Village
The Big Short
Boy Erased
Wild Wild Country
Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey
Under the Banner of Heaven
Mormon No More
Prophet's Prey
Warren Jeffs: Prophet of Evil
Sons of Perdition
Sins of Our Mother
Big Love
Going Clear
Scientology and the Aftermath
The Path
The Invention of Lying